Friday, May 7, 2010

#46 Baby when it rains, it pours.

Hey hello,

Well today was a really bad day that ironically started off pretty well. Okay, not really.
Halfway through my walk to the bus stop, I realised I forgot my Student ID. But hey, wasn't like I was planning to go anywhere that required my Student ID ain't it. Other than college, the library and the web. Pfft.
In class, I fell asleep in Chem and missed out on a whole hour of class.
Then the whole class had to skip lunch and walk all the way to a park in SS15 for our class photoshoot which by the way is due on Monday and I haven't even got round to it yet! (Y) We wanted to take a shortcut from the back of campus, but it ended up being closed so all 29 of us had to make a huge round back to the main entrance.
The sun was so hot but yet the park was wet from the rain last night. So of course, my dear Converse had to get all muddy. In the end, we all had to take pictures looking all sticky and sweaty. And plus, I so wore the wrong outfit and now I look fat (yeah, blame the outfit ;p)
Oh and guess what, on the way back, my glasses broke. I seriously do not know how or why, but it just did. I thought it felt kinda funny so I touched it and next thing you knew, one side of the frame had fallen off. So much for a RM400+ pair of glasses with a lousy glue job.
Then I had my Maths class test, which took up 10% of my internal assesment with broken glasses. I managed just fine, till it started raining. Yeah, in class. Something somewhere was leaking and I had to be the lucky one to sit under it. FML.
So being all moody and crappy, I was kinda quiet in Spec Maths class, just waiting for the day to end, and my lecturer came up to me and said, "Denise, you need to catch up. Come and see me for counselling." Oh great, just fucking great, now I need counselling.
And the best part of all, I finally spoke to the cutie on the bus and first thing he said was, "What happened to your glasses?!" You have got to be kidding me.

So yeah, I believe bad days make you stronger. I endured all kinds of shit on the supposedly shortest day of the week. But mummy came, picked me up, took me to get my glasses changed and of course, big fat hug for the bad day. Hehe.

Some pictures of the class photoshoot, and no shit, I seriously look huuuuge :O
But oh well. The rest of the pictures are on Facebook, here.

Love my Mfourians (; Mfourthewin, hehe see what I just did there? ;p

Currently listening to : Airplanes ft Hayley Williams & Eminem by B.o.B

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