Saturday, September 3, 2011

#75 do you really wanna live forever, forever young?

Everyone seems to be in such a rush these days. In fact, that's an understatement. Kids at 13, 14 wearing makeup and heels. Getting into relationships for all the wrong reasons. Rushing through school, college and work just to end up in a sad boring routine that they call life.

But I refuse to live that way. Yeah, I may not be the first or only person to say this, and yeah I'm a total nobody that might probably just live my life in a total blur, letting one day after another just slip away, but I'm willing to try. I'm willing to take steps to make sure I live my life the way I want to.

I want to backpack around Europe with the man I love. I want to live the colourful city life and still have time for myself and my family. I see where I want to be 10 maybe 20 years from now. Working in world class, sought-after corporate firms. Having kids and still finding time to travel at ease, all with my own money. Although it seems so impossible to reach and its going to take a lot of money, time and effort, but I'm willing to dream.

I wish my parents would let me live on my own, so that I can try to make more decisions by myself. I believe that I'm more level-headed than what my parents give me credit for. Yeah sure, I lived with my friends for about a semester, but there was no stability. And of course, this has been said a thousand and one times by many, "I can't wait to go overseas and live on my own." But truly, I can't wait either. It's not so much of a I-hate-my-life-and-family kind of thing. For me, it's cause I want to see if I can step out of my comfort zone and make my own decisions and learn to live with the consequences of those decisions.


1 comment:

  1. I, for one, have never really seen the need to rush into things. Also, I think I can understand where you coming from when you say you want to live on your own, there's a lot of freedom which comes with that. And I share the same dreams - to be doing well in my career and also my life. I hate all those films and TV shows which seem to tell you that if you're a successful person, you can't have a happy life or whatnot. What a bunch of crappy stereotype. A lot of very rich and successful women have very happy and fulfilling lives as well. :P So it's not impossible. :)




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