Saturday, March 30, 2013

11. march in a thousand words

Hey hi hello.

Okay so I admit I cheated. Didn’t actually write this post on the 31st, I was really at Starbucks getting my barista on. But I didn’t want my first post of April to be the close of a bad month.

Let me explain myself. The titles for my monthly Instagram posts will always be the same, so I really can’t be bothered to think of something new for this month. The reason why I’m saying this is because the pictures that I have posted this month do not even disclose the tip of the iceberg on what an fuckeduperratic month March has been.

I’ll tell you more in my next entry (also understood that it’s supposed to be on #twentyonethings but I’ll justify myself later). On with the Instagram post.

+ Two of the most beautiful girlfriends in my ugly life. Taken by Syira who thought she was logged into her own account.
+ At Anas’ birthday. Natural behavior.
+ My “so called” teaser attempt for #twentyonethings
+ Outfit of the day for Chinese New Year Day two. Not sure why I took so long to post this, maybe because I CAN.
+ Two extremely (and well aware of) narcissistic self shots taken in the office restroom. Conceited.

+ Taken the night before I had my haircut. Conceited two.
+ Before and after shots. Once again, so grateful for my stylist at Shawn Cutler who still gives me a discount despite my twice-a-year visits and knows my hair like his own (ok maybe not). Conceited three.
+ With the old man. Conceited four.
+ In the office, rocking my roots. Conceited five.
+ At Shawn Cutler. The only reason why this picture is here is to take up space. Conceited six.
+ A throwback picture. With two of the most amazing people in my life.

+ My much needed therapy. Idea was Sam’s and we literally emptied our wallets for this, but I definitely could have used it.
+ Was at the Women in Leadership Forum 2013 to help out at work. It’s not every day you put on a suit (and tie.)
+ (very) spicy tuna pasta that Hillary and I cooked up together.
+ Breakfast for champs

So there you have it. March in maybe fifty words.

I'm at a really bad place right now, people close to me will know why (not like anyone else reads my blog anyways). A rough patch is just an understatement, it feels more like I'm being dragged against the blades of a chainsaw inside and out. So yeah, I might not be posting here very soon or as often. I wish I could just rant and let it all out, but this isn't the right avenue or the right time. I may or may not still be doing #twentyonethings but perhaps in a smaller scale.

Just a quick update on my interviews though, by some strange miracle (or perhaps superwoman powers) I managed to secure all five internship positions. The hard part is definitely rejecting (the receiving end isn't the only one who suffers!) but I sort of have already made my decision. You will be the first to know once it's finalized.

Also, I got accepted into a university of my fourth choice.. out of four. But they offered me a merit scholarship as well. Although it isn't too glittery, its a scholarship nonetheless. Still waiting on San Diego.

I don't have much left to say. I'm going to cry in a corner now.

Till the next post.

Au revoir.
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