Friday, April 26, 2013

13. pusher love girl

Hey hi hello,

I'm writing from my seat in the JUICE + CLIVE headquarters. Seeing as all I do now is squeeze my brain for creative juice, the fact that I haven’t blogged in awhile should be forgiven.. right?!

This was initially written on my boyfriend’s birthday, I meant to write a corny love story and all that jazz. But as per usual, I put it off (yes this post was published in May but the date says otherwise cause I can). In any case, happy twenty third, my love. You will always have a special place in my heart. I wholly cannot wait till I'm all snuggled up in your armpit (yes, I'm quite the romantic) again. xx

So it’s my third week here at JUICE, but I also do some writing for HANGER and CLIVE, both magazines which I actually enjoy reading. If you haven’t heard of them yet, go get yourself a copy! And yes, I genuinely mean it because some of the writing in it is pretty damn good.

The office is pretty cool. There’s the usual awkward colleague that you can’t have a proper conversation with, the nonchalant editor who comes in to work after lunch time, the snazzy fashion editor with red lipstick, the really hot chick (who’s my girl crush and I choke on rainbows every time she says hi), the other cool editor whom I’d like to dedicate my life to become just like her, your every day Cina boys and girls, and the other interns that make my day. It’s a pretty big office, with sales, marketing, editorial from seven (at least I think so, could be more) magazines lumped into a space with no windows and a mess that could qualify for an episode of Hoarders.

I love it here though. The amount of freebies that I get including free passes to events and gigs make up for the lack of no pay (actually no it doesn't but I'm trying to make myself feel better here). I get to mingle with famous people, practice my writing and conduct kick-ass interviews, although most days in the office it feels like:

I have absolutely no form of income in any sense, considering that I've quit my job at Starbucks. I started looking around at other coffee houses but it seems no one wants the second-hand Starbucks barista. That, or they don’t think part-time positions are substantial enough. But no seriously, PLEASE HIRE ME. I'M BROKE AS FUCK. I ONLY EAT CUCUMBERS FOR LUNCH. (just kidding I hate cucumbers)

Anyways, I'm going to stop here for today. I'm going to leave you girls with something beautiful.

You’re welcome.

I have shit loads of writing to do. Why am I still here. Okay bye.

Till the next post.

Au revoir.
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