Thursday, June 6, 2013

#20 the best of us can find happiness in misery

Hey hi hello,

It's the seventh! And a Friday!

I'm at Epiphany right now, waiting for the rest of my team to come over and lock down a few things before the launch of that project I was talking about. Ugh, so tempted to start throwing confetti, popping (non-alcoholic) drinks and announcing the project, but it's far from ready for judgemental eyes. Although I refer to it as "the project", it's far more than that to me. I feel like I've finally grown the balls needed to start something of my own- something I hope I can be proud of. 

This week has not been kind. The (only) writer for Clive went on a 10-day holiday to London (don't even want to begin on my envious vibes) and sort of left me in charge. I have to interview and write the feature, definitely a huge challenge because of the sensitive nature of the topic (you'll find out what it is in next month's issue of Clive). Normally, I'd be more than glad to embrace a challenge of this sort, but like I said, this week has been pretty crazy.

That being said, my editor has seemingly put me in the hot seat, and on the first day of the previously mentioned writer's absence, he assigned us (the interns) a task that was supposed to be done ages ago, by former writers that were responsible for it. The task took us a day and a half, with him breathing down our necks and demanding updates every half hour (FROM ME.) Not a pleasant experience. 

/*ADVERT: You have been missing out if you haven't seen the exclusive Clive interview with Marina Mahathir and Nurul Izzah on their iconic fathers, in celebration of Father's Day. Huge props to Rathika for pulling off such an amazing feature. Check it out here.

Progress for the project is going full speed ahead, with so much involving and needing the bane of the modern world aka money. Forking out my own money is one thing, but having my team mates do the same only piles on the pressure. And as always, when there is money involved, your objectives, expectations and focus often shifts, and I don't want to ruin the essence of why I wanted to start this project in the first place.

My US visa applications has only gone as far as being a website bookmarked on my browser, I have yet to even properly peruse the nitty gritty of applying for a United States visa. 

Rest assured, I know when to ask for help when I need it. Or at least I think I have the humility for it.

Till the next post.

Au revoir.
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