It's been insanity.
The magazines just closed for the month, the project has finally launched, but I still feel like I've been living in shit. Not one of the many creative anecdotes I often spew on my blog but seriously, it feels like I've been swimming in shit.
There is so much that is needed of and expected from me, I've allowed bits and pieces of me get involved and get thrown under the bus. The amount of energy and compassion I invest in something, or someone is relentless but that investment gets swept aside like lint and split ends.
Why the fuck do I care so much? Why can't I emotionally detach myself from things around me- things that are not supposed to be my responsibility in the first place, yet somehow ended up being the only thing I have time for? Why do I get upset when someone I care about makes a decision that is unhealthy for them, when it shouldn't/doesn't even affect me at all? Why do the people who care don't count and the people who count don't care?
This was going to be a happy post, I swear. I wanted to announce the launch of my website and other things, but I'll leave that for a merrier day.
My phone's battery is now deceased, RIP you have served me well. My first instinct was to panic and start worrying because I don't have the funds to buy a new one (when do I ever have enough money for anything?) but you know what? I think I'm in a better place without it. The only time it ever rings is when someone needs something from me because God forbid I have a social life.
Till the next post.
Au revoir.
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